
Fees for treatment are based on estimated length of time needed. Average fees are listed below though if additional time is needed for complex treatments a further charge will be made. A full estimate will be given to the patient at their consultation visit. Fees correct as of May 2022.

NB – These charges apply to those patients who have been referred to us by their own dentist or for patients who wish to self-refer. A list can be provided for patients of the practice, please contact us by phone or email.


Consultation £100
Veneer units from £600
Crown units from £700
F/F Dentures from £1200
F/- or-/F Denture from £750
P/- or -/P Denture from £650
Chrome Denture from £950


Consultation £70
Root Canal Treatment – Anteriors / premolars from £560
Root Canal Treatment – Molars from £680
Apical Surgery from £500


Single tooth replacement (fixture and crown) from £2700
Implant retained full denture (fixtures and denture) from £6000


Consultation £150
Scaling / Root planing from £430 per session
Periodontal surgery/ hemisection from £450
Soft Tissue Grafting (mucogingival) from £600
Hygienist £60
Crown Lengthening (1 tooth) from £300
Regenerative periodontal surgery from £550
Frenectomy £150

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