Dr Kassiani Iro Palaska

Dr Kassiani Iro Palaska graduated from the Aristotle University School of Dental Medicine in Thessaloniki, Greece with honours and qualified as a dentist in 2008. She then completed a comprehensive three-year specialty program in Periodontology obtaining a Certificate and a Master’s degree from the same University in 2011.

In 2012, she moved to Boston (USA), as she was admitted to Tufts University School of Medicine where she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for four years. In 2015, she had the opportunity to work at the Department of Applied Oral Sciences in Forsyth Institute, one of the leading centres for dental and craniofacial research in the world (Boston, USA).

In 2016, she moved to London as she received the prestigious clinical and research scholarship by the International Team for Implantology and spent one year at the QMUL, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. She has now successfully completed and gained her PhD focusing on periodontal inflammation in collaboration with the Medical School of Athens (Greece). Dr Palaska is a recipient of scholarships and awards including the Fotis Mitsis (F. Mitsis) award by the Hellenic Society of Periodontology.

She is currently a staff member of the newly founded Centre for Oral Clinical Research of the Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. In addition to working in Hitchin, she works as a private practitioner with a Special Interest in Periodontology in the Greater London area, focusing in the clinical management and treatment of patients in the fields of Periodontology, Tissue Regeneration and Implant Dentistry. Dr Palaska holds memberships of professional and educational associations in the area of periodontics and implants and lectures and publishes in these fields.

GDC Number: 266254

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