
Welcome to Hitchin Dental Centre, we provide a full range of treatments for all age groups, from routine examinations and simple fillings to complex reconstructions. Treatment is provided privately for adults, whilst children can be seen on the NHS. We feel this enables us to take the time and care needed both to discuss proposed treatment or treatment alternatives. It also allows us to carry out high quality treatment using the best available materials.

All of the dentists at Hitchin Dental Centre have higher qualifications, with the core registered as specialists on the General Dental Council’s specialist list. As well as providing routine general dental care, we can therefore make sure our patients get the very best treatment for those situations where more expertise in one particular field is needed. Patients of other dental practitioners may be referred to the practice for treatment by one of our Specialists.

Treatments provided

  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Implants
  • Crowns & Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Tooth Whitening
  • Root Treatments
  • Gum Treatments
  • Invisible Braces

Emergency Treatment

We will always try to see patients with dental emergencies on the same day. Please try to call the practice as early in the day as possible.

For emergencies out of normal hours please contact the surgery for recorded information on how to obtain advice or treatment.

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